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In Acts 22 and 23 I read these promises from the Lord to Paul - first from the words Ananias spoke when he restored Paul's sight after his conversion, and the second from the Lord who "stood by him" in the night when he had been arrested in Jerusalem. Paul relayed these promises to the Jewish crowd he had been allowed to address:
"...for you will be a witness for him to everyone of what you have seen and heard..."
The following night the Lord stood by him and said, "Take courage!..."
There was a violent mob all around Paul. And yet, Paul's state of mind during the chaos around him - in part caused by him - is a testament of God's peace within Paul. He knew who he was, despite the shouts of who the crowd said he was.
But then I think about my own self - when the mob shouts around me - telling me and those around me who I am - I believe their words.
You are worthless!
You are not enough!
You are stupid!
You are unworthy!
You are unwanted!
You are unlovable!
And Satan chimes in too, reminding me of my sins - lying, lusting, greed, jealousy, doubt.
He reminds me of my past - the girl I once was - the girl I thought I had moved beyond. But he remembers - and he loves to hit the "replay" button over and over and over again.
But I love what Lore Wilbert writes:
"My pastor once said that every time the Enemy comes to remind him of his sin,
he reminds the Enemy that he's right.
He is a liar.
He is guilty of the lust of the flesh.
He is like a murderer in his heart.
He is a thief, a scoundrel, and an unworthy son of God.
But no matter what we are or what we've done, the truest thing about us is who we are in Jesus. As my pastor so faithfully reminds me, Christ has taken our sin and borne it on our behalf. So though we are guilty of countless things, we are not identified by them."
My friends - this is the trap we as Christians become trapped in - and we lose our identity in Christ. We forget that we are:
- rescued and delighted in - Psalm 18:19
- the salt and light of the earth - Matthew 5:13-14
- a child of God - John 1:12
- a friend of Christ - John 15:15
- a member of the body of Christ - 1 Corinthians 12:27
- a new creation in Christ - 2 Corinthians 5:17
- an heir - not a slave - Galatians 4:7
- an adopted daughter - Ephesians 1:5
- redeemed through God's grace - Ephesians 1:7
- God's masterpiece (workmanship) - Ephesians 2:10
- a sister of Christ - Hebrews 2:11
- loved by God - 1 John 4:10, 16
Yes - we are sinners.
Yes - we make bad choices.
But our sins and bad decisions do not define who we are.
The One who bled and died for us defines who we are in Him.
"So often we get caught up in the web of lies about who we are and who God is. In those moments, it's easy to forget the cross, the blood of Christ, the resurrection, and the hope of eternity. It's easy to forget who we are by our birth in Christ."
~Lore Wilbert~
Remember that his only purpose - his true desire - his goal in your life - is to "kill, steal, and destroy" (John 10:10).
But take comfort, sweet friends, in the Words that God declares over you.
Commit to understanding who you are in Jesus.
He declares, "Behold, I am making all things new." (Revelation 21:5)
And that includes you!
Together, over the next several days, we will hone in on the truth of who God sees us as through the sacrificial blood of Jesus Christ. And my prayer for all of us is that we would begin to see ourselves as Daughters of the King - who are not defined by the world because we understand God is with us and goes before us - and that we will no longer fear because we know, above anything else, we are His.
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