Thursday, February 27, 2014

Lessons I Learn...Every Single Month...

My husband and I maintain a tight budget.  When I say maintain, what I actually mean is, he reigns me in and keeps me on a tight leash!  Thank you, Dave Ramsey.

That being said, when the grocery budget is gone, it's gone.  Here are some of my observations after I blew through the budget.

  • Espresso beans make a decent substitute when the coffee runs out
  • Half & Half is not the same as milk
  • Bisquick makes your meat go further than you ever thought was possible
  • Bisquick can only make your meat last longer if you have milk...and eggs
  • I finally know why I stock pile chicken in the freezer
  • It's unfortunate when our quarter of a cow's last pound of hamburger runs out in a crisis
  • Praying the toilet paper lasts doesn't always work
  • Watered down spaghetti sauce is not the same - the kids can tell
  • Noodles can be added to any meal to "complete" it
  • My husband can only handle so many beans before it's too much
  • Accepting any and all dinner invitations are a must, and a blessing
  • The phrase, "What's for Dinner?" can actually make me sweat and cause a panic attack
  • These past few weeks of "scraping by" have totally been worth it.  We were able to spend our grocery money on a few others who needed it more than us.
I'm sure I have learned these lessons once and for all!  I'm sure I will make it all the way through March and even have grocery money left over.  I'm sure you will see this post more than one more time!

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