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image from IF:Equip |
The question posed by IF:Equip today was this: "How can you be content today knowing you have exactly what you need?"
In Exodus 16:1-18, the Israelites have already left Egypt by way of the Parting of the Red Sea. But they are hungry and tired of wandering around the desert. And they start grumbling. And misery loves company, so a few grumblers turns into throngs of grumblers - and before too long, the grumbling makes its way to Moses' ears.
In Exodus 16:4, the Lord addresses the food issue with Moses. But I love when Moses and Aaron convey the Lord's words to the people, they also throw in this little doozy: "Who are we? You are not grumbling against us, but against the Lord." (Exodus 16:8) End scene.
But the Lord knew that the Israelites were not grumbling about being hungry as much as they were upset and unsettled and discontent with their situation.
We read in Exodus 16:3 where the grumblers completely forgot about the misery and oppression and suffering in Egypt that God had just delivered them out of. Instead, they remember that at least they had food.
God knew their hearts, but He also knew their needs.
And it was their needs that He chose to meet and not their wants. They needed food for strength and to survive, but they also needed to wander in the wilderness before they were ready for what God had promised.
I love the image of the dew drying up and turning into white flakes of manna. It was right there on the ground. No one had to search for what they needed. God came to His people right where they were - right in the middle of the desert. He met them where they were. He provided for their need. And in verse 18, it says they "gathered as much as he needed."
If you continue reading in Exodus, you will find that the Israelites were never content. They seem to always have something to grumble about. And although God met their needs, it took them 40 years of wandering around before He changed their situation.
Often times when I am going through a tough season in life - usually a 'waiting on God' season, I refer to it as a desert or wilderness (I didn't make that up - it's a Christian thing people say to sound theological...). And if I look back on those times of 'wandering in the desert,' I can see God's hand at work. He doesn't always do what I want Him to do, but He always gives me what I need, right when I need it.
And if I'm honest with myself - all I really need is Jesus. And just like God met the Israelites where they were in the desert, Jesus comes to me in my desert. He always knows my desires. He always knows how I want my situation to change. But, as He stands in the desert with me, He says, "My grace is sufficient for you..." (2 Corinthians 12:9).
What we need is not always a new job or house of kids or life - what we need is Jesus. He is our manna from heaven.
As I sat writing this morning this song by Austin Stone Worship kept going through my head. I hope you will take time to listen and read the words.
All I Need
My gentle Savior leadeth me
What more do I need
He leadeth me to waters still
And into pastures green
You are all I need, You are all I need
You are all I need, All I need is You
And when the evening darkness brings
Nothing will I fear
For even death has lost it’s sting
As long as You are here
And when I loose hope You restore my soul
And You fill my cup until it over flows
And I know goodness and mercy will follow me
Until I see You in the fullness of Your glory
So let the oceans cover me
Let the mountains fall
For I know my Savior walks with me
And leads me through it all
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