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image credit: toactloveandwalk.blogspot.com |
These three words came to me yesterday when I once again found myself wrestling with this question: "What is the duty of the church? What is the purpose of it? Who is it for?"
For several years my church has been in transition. Pastors have left and new ones have come - with new ideas. People have left and new believers have joined - unsure what it means to be a Christian, but confident that they love Jesus and He loves them. Programs and Bible Studies that were once staples in the church have been replaced by things like AA, Divorce Care, and MOPS. And we as a church have rallied around these words, "The Gospel is for Everyone."
But do we really believe it?
Because I have found myself asking, "What about me?"
My Bible Study is gone. How can I grow and connect?
What do you mean "no Women's Retreat?" How will I get away from the crazy and spend uninterrupted time with my friends - and Jesus?
And you want me to park off site and trust my life in the church shuttle - um, that means I'll have to be early to church - do you even know what you are asking? And if people want a good parking spot, they should come on time...
If you think I'm going to stand in line at the coffee shop, behind people I've never seen in my life, you must be suffering from something - I mean - do you know who I am? I'm pretty sure I helped pay for the shop...
It's only natural that I will now punish you and withhold my tithe until you get your act together and get this church back to the way I like it. But please, do not ask for my help - I am obviously busy.
Have I offended you? Stepped on some toes? Please forgive me. That is not my intention. These are the things that have crossed my own mind, although I have acted out all of these scenarios, I have thought them at some point.
Last Saturday, as I was on my way to church, I was planning on turning left, like I always do. But there were three or four cars waiting up ahead at the main road, and I didn't want to get caught up in that - left turns on busy roads make me sweaty. To avoid unnecessary sweat, I turned right and headed to church the long way.
And then I saw her. My sweet friend whom I love dearly! I put the car in park and popped out. She skipped across the street for a quick hug.
As I got back in the car, I started praying, which I usually do on my way to church. But this time it was different. I wasn't praying for the kids to come ready to learn about Jesus (which in hindsight, I should have...). I was praying for my friend and her family - who are close to me and far from Jesus. I was overwhelmed with this reality, and it became vividly clear to me that the Church must do better. We must think outside the box. We must put aside some personal preferences in order to be safe and welcoming to those who are just learning about Jesus for the first time. And we must remember that the building is only part of the experience - we - the people - We Are the Church. Our attitudes matter. People are not stupid. They can tell when they are not welcome. And I think way too many people feel unwelcome in church buildings and with church people.
We have unknowingly adopted an "Us versus Them" mentality - and we treat "outsiders" accordingly. We do not want to trade the comforts our church provides for what would make a first time visitor feel welcome and loved. We are not willing to sacrifice our preferences for the actual needs of someone else.
We, as a body of believers, we also need the Church and our local churches. WE need to be encouraged and strengthened and challenged. We need to grow deeper in our relationship with Jesus Christ - spurred on by other members of the body. We cannot let the Gospel message and truth become watered down. "For God so loved the world that He gave His One and Only Son, that whoever believed in Him would have eternal life" (John 3:16). God LOVED so He GAVE - we BELIEVE and LIVE - the simple Gospel truth.
Jesus tells us over and over to love others and go out into the world to share His love.
GATHER - the local church. Yes - this is a place to gather. It is a place to equip and encourage - to bless and spur on - to grow and be challenged. It is a place to be in community. But - it is not the only place.
GROW - the Sunday service offers us spoonfuls of truth. But we need more. However, instead of taking it upon ourselves, we have expected to church to provide other opportunities for growth throughout the week. Jesus, when He was asked how to pray, says, "Give us our daily bread" (Matthew 6:11). Daily - we require daily doses, not weekly. I can watch a lot of workout videos, PIN a lot of workouts, and plan my workout routine, but unless I actually workout, it is useless. I will not get stronger by just meeting once a week at the gym for a 20 - 30 minute workout, and maybe a midweek class with friends. I have to actually commit to working out. The same is true for our spiritual growth. We must equip ourselves with God's Word everyday - and apply it. WE must assume this responsibility to grow in our relationship with God. And we have never had more access to personal discipleship tools than we do today! There are books, websites, emails, apps, study Bibles, Bible Studies, videos, online videos - they are everywhere and they are endless! But, only YOU can make yourself do it. There is absolutely a time and a place to come together. But we must assume responsibility for our growth.
GO - Jesus was sent by God and in turn sent His disciples, who, through the Holy Spirit, sent others. And for 2000 years, the commission continues to pass from one follower to another. Jesus poured into His disciples and sent them out. He then gathered them back to Himself, poured into them and sent them out. This was His model. This is how the early church existed. The more I learn and the more I seek Jesus on this, the more I am convinced that this model still works. We must go out, into the world, trusting God to use us for His glory. And friends, our world is wherever we are - the coffee shop, the school parking lot, our jobs, our streets, etc...we are not all called to "the ends of the earth," but we are all called to GO - we are all SENT, just as Jesus was sent.
This is the Church.
**Some of my favorite resources that I lean into daily include:
- She Reads Truth - online Bible Study and app
- IF:Equip - online Bible Study and app
- First Five - app
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