Monday, December 15, 2008

Motivate Me Monday

I can't tell you how many times in just the last few weeks God has shown me how timely He is! It's amazing! I love these little reminders from Him that He really is watching over every moment of my life, and caring for me. He is faithful and He loves me!

If your days are anything like mine, I would venture to say that they might get a little crazy sometimes. And, it seems like now, more than ever before, panic is widespread, throughout the nation, and our world.

But now, in the midst of all of this chaos surrounding us, is when we should seek refuge with our Lord and Savior, our Creator, the Alpha and the Omega! He is all knowing and all seeing! God knows the past, the present, and the future, and He has promised us everlasting life with Him, so why become consumed with worry and fear in our temporary lives?

My Bible Study group just finished the book Living Above Worry and Stress. The book is one of the Women of Faith books. Although I don't feel as though this study helped me to grow spiritually, it was full of wonderful reminders. And, this book was extremely timely! Our Bible Study meets on Tuesday mornings. On Election morning our entire study was about God's Promises! When I was working on Peace as my Fruits of the Spirits focus, the chapter we discussed was all about peace. The entire book was dealing with stress and worry, and how timely is that during one of the most stressful Falls that I can remember!

I read this quote last week:

My friend, remember to take this life one day at a time. When several days attack you, don't give up. A successful woman takes the bricks the devil throws at her and uses them to lay a firm foundation. We all need enough trials to challenge us, enough challenges to strengthen us, and enough strength to do our part in making this a better place to live and love.
~Barbara Johnson~

I love the image of using Satan's bricks that he throws at us in hatred, the trials that he lobs towards us, hoping to discourage us, to build up our foundation on Christ! To become stronger when the intent was to destroy!

2Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. 4Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.
~James 1:2-4~

4for everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith. 5Who is it that overcomes the world? Only he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God.
~1 John 5:4-5~

We are not exempt from trials on this earth. But, how we choose to handle these difficult times says multitudes about our character. We will inevitably grow stronger if we choose to lean on Christ and grow closer to Him!

I have been encouraged by God's promises to me. He loves me and wants me to rely on His strength. This is how I will grow strong! His Spirit will provide me with perfect peace. I know that I must go through the wringer sometimes in order to become the woman that God desires me to be.

What does not kill me, makes me stronger.
Friedrich Nietzsche, Twilight of the Idols, 1888
German philosopher (1844 - 1900)
Cast your worries on the Lord. He will be faithful to you. But, He will be faithful in His time. Try not to doubt the Lord. He always knows what is best for you!

For more Motivate Me Monday links, stop by Like a Warm Cup of Coffee!


Janell said...

Thanks for sharing...that is so true! My study group just started the "Managing your moods" By: the Women of faith. We have done a handful of those. I'm really excited about this one. Thanks for the great reminders! =]

Gayle said...

I love the quote by Barbara Johnson! Have a blessed day!

::Traci:: said...

I think I need to read Managing your Moods - especially this week! LOL! Thanks for this reminder today - I think we often think that we should be shelded from tragedy or trials or grief, when really it can all be stepping stones for further Kingdom building!

thekreativelife said...

Thanks so much for your thoughts on this! And that lovely quote by Barbara Johnson.

Jessica said...

Thanks for this post - it was a great one to read. I liked your reminder on how it is up to us in how we respond to difficulties and to lean on God for all things and in all situations. Have a great week. :)

MamaHen Em said...

You know what bricks have been thrown my way lately! Thanks for a great reminder to take them one at a time. EXACTLY what i needed today!