28"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."
Matthew 11:28-30
Matthew 11:28-30
Oh, Lord, I am weary and burdened. I know there are others who are hurting much more than me, but I pray that you would heal my body fully. Whatever is plaguing me day after day, Lord, please touch me and make me whole again. Father, I pray that your healing touch would also heal my husband and my daughter. Protect our home from the constant sickness. You are faithful, and for that I am so thankful. Give me the strength that can only come from you. I love you, my Lord.
As you can see, we are still sick. I am so thankful that my abdominal issues have been relieved, but in their place I now have an extremely sore throat (you know, the kind that leaves your tonsils extremely inflamed and covered in some kind of white goo) and a headache. I'm told that this will turn into a cough that will linger for weeks. Perfect!
My husband has the same thing, but he's believing that if he refuses to admit to it, he will not actually be sick. I like that. The power of positive thinking!
And, my daughter has a severe cold. The kind that creates the green and brown boogs that are crusted all over her face when she wakes up in the morning. The cold that leaves her with a phlegmy cough, and very, very whiny.
All this to say, I can't remember the last time I got up for my time with God. I feel as though I'm under attack and can't seem to muster up any strength to fight it. There are so many things that I need to do and haven't. I've neglected my ministry, which drives me crazy.
I am renewing my commitment to get up early and spend the much needed time with the Lord. I miss Him so much. I miss you all too. Here's to a great week!
Check Like a Warm Cup of Coffee for more Motivate Me Monday posts!
Here's to hoping you feel better soon!
Oh, your poor, poor family! I live in dread of sickness! My own family just survived a round of stomach flu and the girls are just getting over bad, coughy colds. There is nothing worse than a baby coughing! I'll be praying for your health!
I'll be praying for you and your family this week. Keep pressing forward and claim that healing. I'll come by at the end of the week to see how you're doing!
Oh friend, the enemy is attacking! Just please allow yourself the grace the He gives...then one small step at a time. I will pray for you because I know how awful this feeling is - I experienced it big time last week. I love you sister!
"Where does my help come from?" It comes from the Lord - keep your eyes on Him.
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