Then they cry unto the LORD in their trouble, and he bringeth them out of their distresses.
He maketh the storm a calm, so that the waves thereof are still.
Then are they glad because they be quiet; so he bringeth them unto their desired haven.
Oh that men would praise the LORD for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men!
Although we have been promised many things by our Savior, we were never promised Easy Street here on Earth. Sorry ladies, but part of living life here on earth includes suffering and pain. And, nobody is exempt from this. We will all suffer and grieve for various reasons, but our hurt is the same.He maketh the storm a calm, so that the waves thereof are still.
Then are they glad because they be quiet; so he bringeth them unto their desired haven.
Oh that men would praise the LORD for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men!
Psalm 107:28-31
"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."
John 16:33
There was a young woman at Bible Study the other day. She has been beaten up, lost her children to social services, committed to a psych facility, her husband has been incarcerated, and she struggles with drug abuse. She feels as though the Lord has left her to die alone. We tried to encourage her, but it was hard. None of us have suffered in this way, and to her, we really haven't suffered at all.
But what she doesn't know is that in that group of ladies are women who have suffered both emotional and physical abuse from the husbands and/or fathers, women who have lived in poverty, and women who have lost husbands and children to the Lord.
All of these women have suffered and have been hurt, but it's how you handle your hurt that will make the biggest difference in your eternal life. It's okay to ask God what's going on. It's even alright to pray for a different outcome, after all, Jesus did.
41He withdrew about a stone's throw beyond them, knelt down and prayed, 42"Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done." 43An angel from heaven appeared to him and strengthened him.
Luke 22:41-43
Why do we suffer? I'm not an expert on the why of it, but perhaps this is God's way of stretching you, or growing you. Maybe He's strengthening your faith and your reliance on Him. Who knows, but take comfort in knowing that even your Savior suffered, so He knows how you feel.
So, what are some ways in which you can Weather this Storm?
So, what are some ways in which you can Weather this Storm?
1 - Talk to Someone
It's hard, I know, but you'll be glad you did. When you open up your heart to a trusted person, this confidant can now pray with you and intercede for you. If you leave everything inside, not only will people begin to worry and wonder what is going on, but you will begin to pull away and isolate yourself. This is dangerous territory, as Satan loves loners. They are easy targets, especially the bitter ones.
This advice is easy for me to follow through with because I have been blessed with some wonderful girlfriends who I trust with anything and almost everything. However, I know not everyone has these kinds of friends at this point in your life. However, I strongly encourage you not to be ashamed or embarrassed of whatever is happening that is causing you such pain. Try to find someone that you can talk to. Someone who you know will never discuss what you have just told them. By having a woman to vent to, you will already feel a huge weight lifted from you.
2 - Pray
This sounds easy, but I promise you, it can be a stumbling block. God wants us to seek Him when we are hurting. He even provided us with His Holy Spirit when we don't even know how to pray. And yet, one of the first things that many neglect to do is to pray. Often times this is because bitterness and anger have seeped into our hearts towards God, and we become stubborn and unwilling to pray to the one who "let this happen."
It's alright to be upset for a moment with God, but please, please, do not allow bitterness to live in your heart. Again, this is one of Satan's greatest tools. First of all, no one enjoys hanging out with a bitter friend. I can think of a few ladies from my own church that I choose to spend a minimal amount of time with because their hearts are so bitter. Bitterness is like curry that begins to seep out of your pores and taint everything else around you.
Secondly, bitterness will become a barrier between you and God. And, if you're struggling, the last thing you need between you and the Lord is another roadblock.
Get on your knees, girls, and ask that God will forgive you. Thank Him for anything that you can think of that you could be thankful for. If you can't think of one single thing to be thankful for, you can always thank Him for the sacrifice He made when He gave us His only Son, who suffered and died for you.
Although God knows your heart and your mind already, He still wants you to talk to Him about it. Ask Him to help you. Ask Him to strengthen you. Pray for encouragement and comfort. Whatever you need, just ask. We serve a faithful God, and although He may not answer your prayer immediately, or in your timing, He will answer your prayer.
3 - Stay in the Word
Ooh, another tricky one. Why is it so difficult for us to read the Word of the Lord? Why do we have ten Bibles, and yet, none of them are open? Again, I'm not sure. I know for me, often times if things are rough, I seek comfort in my bed, not my Bible. And what can my bed offer me besides a comfy place to rest my body?
Open your Bibles, ladies. It is full, and I mean full, of ways to battle through your pain. Whatever is happening to you, you will find comfort and encouragement (or a kick in the booty if that's what you need...). If you're not sure where to begin, I always like to read the letters that Paul wrote to other churches. These people were messed up, and Paul, was able to explain the gospel to them in such a way that helped them understand who Jesus really was.
Of course, you can't go wrong with any of the Gospels, which are Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. These four books chronicle the life of Christ, and include many of His teachings in there.
Whatever you choose to read, just read! Do not neglect your field-book of life while you are here.
4 - Be Humble
Nobody likes this one. Why? Because it requires an unnatural action from you.
What I mean by this is that it's alright to accept help from others. If you are unable to make dinner for you family, then accept help from a neighbor or friend who wants to bless your family with a meal. If you can't clean your house, humble yourself to the woman who has offered to come over and wash a load of laundry and vacuum the floor.
This, by far, is the most difficult for me. I've had times in my life where I've needed help, and although I'm quick to offer, I'm not so quick to accept the offer from someone else. But, even Jesus humbled himself to His disciples and washed their feet.
We are not meant to be alone. God created our need for friendships and relationships. And, sometimes, you must trust your friends enough to allow them to help you out. It's not a sign of weakness, and you are certainly not using or abusing your friends. Accept their help, and sometimes, you may even need to ask for help, and that's alright too.
5 - Get Out There
Try not to isolate yourself for too long. We all might need a day where we hardly leave our bedroom, but when this one day turns into weeks, months, or even longer, you are treading on dangerous ground. Again, Satan loves a loner. You are such an easy target and are so vulnerable. He hardly has to work for your soul. He knows you'll believe his lies, and since you have no one around you, there will hardly be a battle.
So, get up. Get in the shower (one of my least favorite things to do because it requires time that could be better spend doing something else, but nevertheless, my friends and family appreciate that I do take the time to shower and get ready for the day - but, I digress...). Do your hair. Put on a little makeup, even if it's just some lip gloss. Get dressed (and I don't mean jammy pants and a t-shirt). Put on a bra (this will help you look and feel perkier). And go somewhere. Go to lunch with a girlfriend. Go to the library. Walk around the mall. Go for a walk. Go to church. Just get out!
Me, I always like to do something with a friend or a small group of friends, but sometimes it is nice to have a moment to yourself, especially if you have a family that requires your time constantly. Just remember, don't become isolated.
I guest posted at Like a Warm Cup of Coffee about Helping a Friend Weather a Storm.
I've shown this video before, but the lyrics and the song are really powerful to me. If you've never taken the time to listen to the song Praise You In This Storm by Casting Crowns, I encourage you to take a few minutes. Close your eyes and allow the words to sink into your heart.
An incredibly timely reminder. Having wonderful friends (Ahem!) helps a LOT when the storms come and spending time with God does more good than anything.
I love, love, love this song. So appropriate for your blog post!
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