Wednesday, April 22, 2009

When Did the Right Turn Wrong?

The intent of this blog is not to be a political forum, but I think it's sad at the direction our country is headed.

This young woman was asked a question. In reference to same sex marriage, this question was posed: "Do you think every state should follow suit, why or why not?"

Was this judge not asking for her opinion, or was he just looking for an answer that went along with his convictions?

I got to thinking, if this same question had been posed 30 years ago, and the contestant felt that same sex marriage should be legalized, at that point in time, that answer probably would have been the taboo position.

But now, if you believe anything that is "right of center," you might just find yourself on the terrorist watch list.

Our country is in serious need of prayer. Even our leader has clearly stated that the United States in not a Christian nation. Instead, we are a nation of citizens.


Sarah Mae said...

What a crappy question...who the heck made Perez a judge anyway?

What a joke.

MamaHen Em said...

I saw heard this on KLOVE yesterday while driving in the car. There is a profound sense of sadness at the direction our country seems to be headed in.

CJ said...

I saw the video of this a few days ago. So glad that she stood up for what she thinks (believes) is right no matter the platform. Yeah, and what qualifies him to be a judge of anything of that magnitude??

nikki said...

it's a wonderful testiment to her faith whatching her respond to this nonsense. even though she was (in my opinion) discriminated against, she has shown nothing but grace and kindness regarding the situation. what a great example and encouragement!

momof3girls said...

I know we live in the days where our beliefs are not "pc" so they say we are wrong. Where is the tolerance to our beliefs. I had not seen the Obama video - how sad