Hmmm...a little over a month later and I have not enlightened you in one way as to your Ministry Sweet Spot. I will, I promise. I can tell you that I am definitely not writing a "successful" blog right now. I'm aware, and once my "season" passes, I will be getting back in gear with you and trying once again to rebuild this ministry opportunity.
However, today, I just had to share some insights with you that I came across during my own personal devotions this morning.
I am studying 1 Peter. When I study a book in the Bible on my own, I like to take it section by section. If you are at all familiar with the NIV Bible, then you know that even within each chapter it is broken down into labeled sections that act almost like chapter titles so the reader has some idea about what they are going to be reading. This method works really well for me because it makes me take it slow, so that I can really let everything sink in, and my only "goal" is to really process the section that I read for that day. As I'm reading I try to find one or two verses that stand out to me, either because I feel it's relevant to something going on around me, or I feel like God is trying to grow or stretch me. Those are the verses I focus on in my reflection. I have read my Bible in its entirety a few times, cover to cover. One year a I decided to alternate and OT and then a NT. But I always felt so rushed and never able to let everything ruminate in my heart and wrap my spirit around what God was trying to reveal to me. My current theory is that there is no place in the Bible that says I have to read it cover to cover every year, so this is my new method, and I love what God is showing me! It's amazing, and I feel like I'm actually growing!
Anyway, enough about that. Moving on.
The section I read today is titled The Living Stone & a Chosen People from 1 Peter 2:4-12. The verses that stood out to me this morning were 11 and 12 followed by my reflection:
11Dear friends, I urge you, as aliens and strangers in the world, to abstain from sinful desires, which war against your soul. 12Live such good lives among the pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day he visits us.
I can definitely see some of this now, and I'm sure throughout history. "Abstain from sinful desires." Like premarital sex or homosexuality? Like pornography and extramarital affairs? Like living modestly and refusing to compromise our little girls for today's "fashion" trends? Like drunkenness or a c'est la vie mentality? This is what surrounds us as Christians today. This is what we're up against. Everywhere we turn, we live in a very sexual world. When we choose not to participate, we are then accused of being close-minded and judgemental, not realistic, prudes, or sheltered.
What are we doing wrong that prevents the "pagans" from seeing the "good deeds?" Is it the way we go about "abstaining?" DO we have a holier than thou attitude? Do we accuse others and place harsh judgement, even though that is not our job whatsoever? Is it our other actions and words that make them realize that we're no different that they are?
What are we doing wrong that prevents the "pagans" from seeing the "good deeds?" Is it the way we go about "abstaining?" DO we have a holier than thou attitude? Do we accuse others and place harsh judgement, even though that is not our job whatsoever? Is it our other actions and words that make them realize that we're no different that they are?
Friends, my first instinct was to try to blame "them," but the reality is that they are doing exactly as Peter told us they would. They are accusing us of "doing wrong" when we "abstain," so I figured that we are the problem here. What is getting in the way of the "pagans" seeing our good deeds? What do we need to change in our "delivery," so to speak? It's time to look inward instead of outward and figure out why they are blinded.
The fact that you posted these specific verses today, when I am really, really struggling with this idea of judgement and a seeing "christians" abuse their status has me getting out my bible to read the verses for myself.
It IS us. The world doesn't know any better. How can we expect them too? They aren't basking in Christ's grace and mercy. They aren't seeking to follow His word. They don't know and can't be expected to act like us. Although I'm not sure that the unsaved should want to act like "us" - they should want to love God, to recognize His ultimate sacrifice and if we aren't living a life that draws them to that place, then we ARE doing something wrong.
Much to think about today. Thanks for the great post.
I hope you're doing well ... almost halfway there, can you believe it!
Praying for you!
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