Today I'll conclude the notes from my pastor's sermon this past Sunday about studying the Bible.
How can you make daily devotional time more effective?
A. Set a daily appointment: Ps. 5:3 "In the morning, O Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation."
1. What are the two best time frames for you to have your devotional time?
2. What are the two best places for you to have your devotional time?
B. Determine your pace and plan:
You need to establish a pace and time frame. Try filling in these blanks to help you get
1. I want to start by reading _____ chapters a day.
2. I want to commit to reading the Bible _____ minutes a day.
3. I want to use the following Bible reading plan:
* The Bible in a year
* Cover to cover and chapter by chapter
C. Read God's Word: Ps. 119:18 "Open my eyes that I may see the wonderful things in your
1. Pray: Ask God to open your spirit.
2. Read: Read the Word.
3. Underline: As you read, underline verses that speak to you.
4. Isolate: Review the things you underlined and isolate one part that you underlined and
make that your verse for the day.
5. Journal: Use a notebook and write a paragraph about what that verse speaks to you and
what you can do as a result of its reflection.
D. Apply the Word: James 1:22 "Do not merely listen to the word, and deceive yourselves. Do
what it says."
Here are some great questions to ask yourself:
- Is there a promise for me to claim?
- Is there an example I am to follow?
- Is there some sin or weakness I need to avoid?
- Is there a command for me to obey?
- Is there a new thought about God, Jesus, or the Holy Spirit?
Sermon notes by Pastor Gene Roncone
I whole heartedly believe that we each need to be in the Word daily. This is our spiritual nourishment that the Lord has so graciously provided for us. However, read the Bible to learn what God has for you. Pray for knowledge and wisdom before you begin reading each day. What I don't necessarily believe is that it is essential to read through the Bible each year. Personally, whenever I make this my goal, I become so determined to keep up with the reading schedule and forget to learn from my reading. Don't get caught up and overwhelmed. Often times I only read one chapter a day, searching for that scripture that the Lord wants to reveal to me so that I can learn. Believe me, it's awesome when the Lord speaks to you through His Word! He's amazing!
Also in this series:
I whole heartedly believe that we each need to be in the Word daily. This is our spiritual nourishment that the Lord has so graciously provided for us. However, read the Bible to learn what God has for you. Pray for knowledge and wisdom before you begin reading each day. What I don't necessarily believe is that it is essential to read through the Bible each year. Personally, whenever I make this my goal, I become so determined to keep up with the reading schedule and forget to learn from my reading. Don't get caught up and overwhelmed. Often times I only read one chapter a day, searching for that scripture that the Lord wants to reveal to me so that I can learn. Believe me, it's awesome when the Lord speaks to you through His Word! He's amazing!
Also in this series:
This is good girlie! Post on the 5:16 forum, would you? I tweeted it. :)
I am with you on the Bible in a Year plans. That is way too fast paced for me. I print out the plans, but don't follow the schedule. This is the one I really like thus far:
Excellent thoughts! I'm taking it nice and slow and reading 1 chapter in Old Testament and 1 chapter in New Testament each day (or trying to).
Such a helpful list! Thanks for posting :)
I found that by using the SOAP method to journal after I read, I can better hear what message God has for me each day.
S- Scripture (What one verse is talking to me?)
O-Observation (How else can I say it? What am I learning?)
A-Application (How can I apply it?)
P-Prayer (What is my prayer as a result?)
Using this just keeps me going and listening better.
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