Friday, October 24, 2014

God Is Working

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Throughout the Bible, God shows up and rescues his people - but he doesn't always save them immediately.  Abraham had to take Isaac up the mountain, tie him down, and raise his knife before God sent the ram.  Suffering and pain are a part of living in this world we are not created to live in. But we are not promised anything other than the promise that we will suffer and have pain.

Well that's refreshing, isn't it?!?!!?

Peter, Jesus' disciple and dear friend - the one who Jesus called "The Rock" - was not given special treatment in prison.  If anything, Herod probably ordered the "Special Treatment" saved for the really bad criminals and Christians!

Peter sat in prison, waiting on God.  Waiting and waiting and waiting...

And then, "the night before" Peter's trial, while the church was "earnestly praying," God sent his angel!  Peter didn't mess around with doubt or questions - this time he hopped out of the boat and kept his eyes on Jesus!

Lisa Harper said, "We don't completely believe that God is really working everything for our good."  But, my friends, this is a promise that he keeps!  We just need to keep our eyes on him and follow where he leads us.

Sometimes it is hard for us to see how God is working, but trust me, he is.  In the lost opportunities and brokenness in our hearts, God is at work.  Where do you see God working for your good today? 

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him,
who have been called according to his purpose.
Romans 8:28

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