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photo credit: www.artemisia-gentileschi.com |
"But because of the way you are going about this, the honor will not be yours, for the Lord will hand Sisera over to a woman."
~Judges 4:9~
I took a Humanities class my senior year in high school. I really didn't know what the Humanities were at the time, but it ended up being one of my very favorite classes I ever took, and I still actually remember a lot of what I learned!
We spent a good portion of our lecture time looking at slides (from the "olden-days"), studying the architecture or sculpture or picture. And I clearly remember the painting above by Artemisia Gentileschi. I was a very new Christian, and this image stunned me. And the story of Jael and Deborah has stayed with me for 18 years.
Before kings ruled over the people of Israel, God allowed judges to sort out disputes and dole out justice. Deborah was one of these judges.
"Deborah, the 'Bee,' dispensed the sweetness of justice as she held court in the land 'flowing with milk and honey,' not in a city gate where male judges sat, but under the shade of a 'honey' tree (which could either be a tree where a bee hive was, or most likely a fig tree). She was the only judge of Israel identified also as a prophet." (NIV Study Bible note: Judges 4:4 & 4:5)
"Jael, the 'Mountain Goat,' remained true to her family's previous alliance with Israel," as opposed to following her husband's allegiance with Jabin, the king of Hazor, whose army was led by Sisera. (NIV Study Bible note: 4:21)
Deborah calls for Barak, the leader of the Israelite army, and tells him to "go" and "lead" and that God will do the rest to ensure the defeat of Sisera and his army. But Barak was afraid - he didn't trust that God would actually do as He said He would. And he begs Deborah to come with him.
God had chosen Barak to lead the army in victory, but because of his doubt, God's plan to defeat Sisera was not thwarted, but instead placed into the WILLING hands of another - a woman.
Sometimes God pursues us fervently until we act in obedience - like with Jonah. And sometimes he just moves on and finds another. But either way - HIS WILL BE DONE!
Jael, ready to do whatever God leads her to do, quickly ushers Sisera into her tent. When he asks for water, she gives him milk. MILK - calming and soothing - lulling one into a peaceful sleep. This resourceful "housewife" then looks around and finds the tent peg and a hammer. And without wavering, doubting, or questioning, Jael drives the tent peg right into Sisera's temple, killing him.
Do you understand that we are all a part of God's Story that He allows us to play a part in? He does not need us to get His business done, but instead chooses us as his conduit. He gives us opportunities to "go" and to "lead," but when we doubt, He might move on to someone who is willing to move. His ultimate Way will be, but by doubting and fearing, we miss out on the blessing of being a part of His glory in action!
Not too long ago my pastor asked if we wanted to stand in the blur of the crowd or actually be in the game?
Your choice...
You can read more about Deborah and Jael's story at She Reads Truth. Also read Judges 4:1 - 5:3.
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