Monday, March 9, 2009

Motivate Me Monday

I went to the park this past Wednesday with some girlfriends and their kids. It was a beautiful day, almost 80 degrees, with a slightly annoying breeze. There were five mamas and about seven kids. That's twelve people in all. And I was the ONLY one to receive a sunburn. Not even my little redhead was scorched by the sun. I know, sunscreen. I forgot. I mean, it's March. I'm not even sure I know where it is.

I was slightly embarrassed by this ordeal. But then I read something this morning that made me wonder if there was a reason I had suffered.

Unnoticed, unheeded, and unrelenting, the sun singes, Afterwards, it's easy to see the solar influence on my shoulders, the back of my neck, and across my nose.

The Spirit's quiet influence is often just that way. Unnoticed and unheeded at the time, but clearly seen in hindsight.
Experiencing Spiritual Intimacy by Christa Kinde

I loved this illustration. So often we are taught about the Holy Spirit in the Scriptures by using Acts 2 and then ending there. The reality is that the Holy Spirit has been around since the very beginning, was speaking through Old Testament prophets and kings, was apparent in the life of Jesus Christ, was promised to the disciples, came in full force on the Day of Pentecost, continued its work in the New Testament through Paul and others, and continues to live in and speak through us today.

Ladies, we may not see the Spirit's hand in our lives until the evidence becomes clear later on, (just like a sunburn) but that doesn't mean He's not by our side all along the way. He will give us strength and encouragement, and even the words we need when we don't know what to say.

We often remember that the Lord comes to us with a still, small voice, but we find it hard to remember to listen for that quiet prompting. The Spirit's influence in our lives is largely a quiet one, and ti will go completely unnoticed if we aren't sensitive to His ways. This week, pray for a heightened sensitivity to His quiet influence in your heart.
Experiencing Spiritual Intimacy by Christa Kinde

Sarah Mae has more Motivate Me Monday posts at Like a Warm Cup of Coffee. Head on over. I promise, you will be blessed and encouraged!


T!ff@ny said...
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T!ff@ny said...

...ooopsss....posted this once but had a typo so let me start over! Ha!...

SO TRUE!!! Many times I have wondered if I am being heard...but in hindsight...I knew I was! I am learning to NOT question HIM. :-)

Debbie said...

Truely enjoyed this post. I will be back. I also love the Bible verse Romans 12:2 under your title.

thekreativelife said...

This is a very timely memory jogger! Thanks so much for the wonderful post!