Thursday, October 2, 2014

Read Your Bible

Our church just released the results from a survey that we had been asked to take a few months ago.  The first number they put up was a big one: 88% of those surveyed say they are regular attenders of the church, meaning, they attend 3-4 weekends per month.  That's a high number, but I was encouraged.

But the numbers started to fall when asked how many people attend Bible Studies or other weekly events.  And then the question about how many people read their Bibles on a regular basis popped onto the screen with a whopping 18%.

Yikes!  That's a HUGE gap!  And the number one reason for not reading was not time management or a priority thing - it was lack of discipline.

I get it.  It wasn't that long ago that I was feeling swamped with life and had good intentions but never got to it.  In fact, that's me with exercise right now...but I digress.

What finally kicked my Bible booty into shape was getting involved with a study.  I joined a real Bible Study in my friend Donna's house and had a community around me.  It transformed how I read the Bible and how I studied it.  Every time I picked it up I was learning more and feeling more confident and comfortable.  The Bible is complex and can be confusing and is a big book!  But the more you read it, the less complex and confusing it seems.

So here's my deal as of October 2, 2014.  I have to wake up early to do my study - and most days I look forward to getting up, making a cup of coffee, and opening up my Bible while the house is still quiet.  Sometimes I light a candle and I Christmas I move downstairs and set up shop in front of the Christmas tree!  But find what works for you.  It's a trial and error, hit or miss.  But don't give up!!!

  • I like to use a Study Bible when I study the Bible.  My husband reads just a regular Bible with no study notes, but I like to learn a little more about what certain words mean.  I sometimes will take the time to Cross-Reference certain verses.  The study notes also help me understand more about the individuals in the Bible and the authors of the books.  Study Bibles come in nearly every translation.  I tend to lean toward the NIV, which is right around the middle if you were to put the translations in a line from KJV to The Message.

  • The purpose of the IF:Movement is to Gather, Equip, and Unleash Women.  The IF:Equip part is an online Bible Study which reads through one book of the Bible at a time.  You read about 15 - 20 verses a day and then listen to a 2 - 3 minute video where 2 of the IF ladies discuss the portion of Scripture.  I then journal my own thoughts to help me process what I read.

  • She Reads Truth is another online Bible Study that I enjoy.  The first study that I did with the She Reads Truth community was the Advent study last December.  The best way for me to study Scripture is by reading a few verses at a time and then journaling about what I have read.  She Reads Truth enhances that by having a short devotion to read with the Bible verses.  Sometimes we study one book at a time and sometimes it is more of a subject study.  Earlier this year we studied the word Justice and what that looks like according to the Bible.  Right now (October 2014) we are studying 1 & 2 Peter.

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