Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Why a New Name?

Up until yesterday, this site was called God's Chicks, and had been so since 2008.  So why the name change?

I could go all Bible Girl on you and explain that God loves to change names...Abram to Abraham, Sarai to Sarah, Jacob to Israel, Simon to Peter, Saul to get the picture...and that He changed the name of this blog.

But the real reason is that it was just time for a change.

He has showed you, O (wo)man, what is good.
And what does the Lord require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy and 
to walk humbly with your God.
~Micah 6:8~

Earlier this year I ran across this verse from Micah in a She Reads Truth study.  The words in this verse resonated with me - here was a check list of the obedience that God expects.  In fact, my NIV Study Bible note says, "Micah 6:8 The most memorable statement in the OT defining a proper relationship to God. Micah here summarizes major themes found in the prophecies of his near contemporaries: Amos ("act justly"; cf. Am. 5:24), Hosea ("love mercy"; cf. Hos. 6:6) and Isaiah ("walk humbly with your God"; cf. Isa. 29:19)."

I "bolded" the words that I haven't been able to shake:
act justly
love mercy
walk humbly

My personal desire is to live in such a way that my life is pleasing to God (this does not mean that I am sinless - but rather that I am doing my very best and walking with Him) and that I bless others.
The words I try to live by everyday - the words I hope others would say of me are:

Do you see why this verse in Micah hit home?  This verse reminds me that I must DO a few things for the Lord.  It is so easy to forget that God's mercy and grace are gifts from God to us - totally undeserved and unearned gifts.  We do not "deserve" mercy and grace, but He gives it to us, asking that we also give away justice and mercy and walk humbly with Him.  It's so simple and so hard, but we can do it!

So, why did I change the blog?  It was time for a change, and after a hard look in the mirror, this is where I landed!

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