Tuesday, November 11, 2014

But I'm a "Hot Mess"

background image from jesusspeaking.org
I'm not a great housekeeper - this has been mentioned more than once....and, although I admit it and joke about the mountains of CLEAN laundry piled high with a mountain goat and yodeler on top, I don't actually want anyone to see my mess!

My messy house could be a metaphor for our messy lives, right?  We can joke about being a "hot mess," but that doesn't mean we're ready to invite someone in and show them around!

But what happens when someone just shows up?

This is what happened to the widow in 1 Kings 17.  Elijah shows up and invites himself to her house and into her mess.  She and her son were starving to death, and had only enough oil and flour to feed the two of them. 

But Elijah tells her not to be afraid.  That God is with him and with her, and that God will provide for their needs.  She was obedient and invited Elijah in.

So, what do you do when someone shows up?

Do you pretend you're not home and quiet the kids (no judgement please...)?

Or do you swing the door open and say, "It is what it is, but you are welcome here!"

This is very hard for me...with my messy house and my messy heart.  But there are blessings in letting someone into your heart and into your home.

We don't know why people show up out of nowhere, but it happens.  And is is amazing how even through these unexpected visits, blessings can flow.  When we offer Radical Hospitality and Unusual Kindness, these open the door for healing...and maybe the clothes will get folded too!

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