Monday, November 10, 2014

Distracted by Distractions

background image from:
At the House of Martha and Mary

The story of Jesus having dinner at the home of Martha and Mary may be familiar to you.  Martha and Mary, along with their brother, Lazarus, become very dear friends to Jesus, and it all starts when Martha opens up her home to Jesus.

We all can identify with either Martha or Mary.  We are either "doers" or "dreamers," and often times are annoyed by the other.  "Doers" get stuff done.  Give them a task and they're on it.  And they are busy...all.of.the.time.  They do not stop.  They do not pass go.  They do not collect $200.  They go and go and go.

"Dreamers," on the other hand, take in the world around them.  They can be s..l..o..w..  They are really experiencing everything as it happens.  But there is often no rhyme or reason, and sometimes no motivation.  But they live life to the fullest!

Martha was the "doer."  Mary was the "dreamer."

On the day the Jesus came, Martha was busy, busy, busy.  Cleaning and cooking.  Cooking and cleaning.  And where was Mary?  Right at the feet of Jesus, soaking in every word he had to say.

Here's the deal: The world has to have "doers."  Stuff must get done.  We have to work.  We have to eat.  Clean houses are a bonus!  But when you miss out on what Jesus wants to say, we really miss out.

Martha missed all of the good stuff Jesus had to say because she was distracted by the work.  But Jesus tells her to forget about that and come to him.  She is annoyed at Mary and wants Jesus to reprimand Mary for being lazy, but Jesus instead calls out Martha.

"Martha, Martha," the Lord answered, "you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her."
Luke 10:41-42

There are so many distractions - whether they are necessary like cooking and cleaning - or unnecessary like Facebook and TV.  Regardless of the distraction, we need to check our hearts.  Is my heart so distracted that there is no margin, no room, for "the only thing?"

When we are busy or distracted, it's hard to hear the gentle whisper of the Lord telling us something good.  

We can't stop the work forever, but take a break, sit at his feet, quiet your heart, and rest!

You can do the laundry later...He wants you now!

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