Friday, November 7, 2014

The Storms of Life

After the men had gone a long time without food, Paul stood up before them and said...
"I urge you to keep up your courage, because not one of you will be lost; 
only the ship will be destroyed."
Acts 27:21-22
In the midst of a storm raging all around, literally tossing the boat way off course, Paul is still able to be used by God - he is still willing to be used by God.

Paul waited until the men on the ship were helpless, hungry, and desperate. 

And then he brings encouragement.  Not just his own encouraging words, but he shares a promise from God that no lives would be lost, which is amazing because the storm raged for two weeks.  And there was NO FOOD!

So, yep.  These guys were helpless against the two weeks of crazy storms.  They were hungry since there had been no food for a long time.  And they were desperate because they were helpless and hungry!  They were finally ready to listen to Paul.
This was not even close to the sailors', soldiers', or Paul's plan of how to get to Rome.  But, even though they were blown off course, God was still sovereign, faithful, and totally in control!

I would venture to say that my husband and I are being tossed around in a storm.  And this one's a doozy!  Life is not following our plans or routes at all...and we feel helpless and desperate and hungry for change.  So this is a timely reminder to me that even in the storm - God is still sovereign and faithful and totally in control!

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